Taking place in 1846 Hudson's Bay Company-owned New Caledonia (present day British Columbia), The Devil and I follows Hannah, a woman very much out of place in the trading fort she currently calls home. Broken-hearted, an opportunistic entity comes to offer her a malicious deal.

As one of the pieces for our successfully crowdfunded Bad Cookie Combo campaign, The Devil and I will be having it's world premiere at the Edmonton International Film Festival in September of 2018. Written and directed by Christopher “Topher” Graham, the film stars Ariel Hansen, James Kingstone, and Jesse Inocalla.


Previous Screenings

 Edmonton International Film Festival (Edmonton, Alberta)

Vancouver Badass Film Festival (Vancouver, BC) Nominee - Best Local Short Film

Cinemafantastique (Vancouver, BC)




“With it’s unique, period setting and near-fairy tale vibe, The Devil and I is an entertaining slice of short fright flick deviltry.”

-Horror Fuel

“A story of the folk tale variety, this is just a beautifully shot movie that's brought to life by its performances just as much as by the impressive production design and landscapes and beautiful camerawork.”

-(re)Search my Trash

“The Devil and I is a spirited short film, underpinned by some playful performances and a folky score”

-Bloody Flicks

